
Welcome to my page!

Who am I?

Hi i'm luomo (i'll use my nick not my real name).
I'm from Europe, and i'm nineteen!
I'm developing discord bots with a friend,
you can see them in my works.
I am open to collaborations,
this also helps me learn new things.
Contact me on discord if you want collaborate,
or buy your own bot (@lanokagato).

What do I know?

I have a modest knowledge of programming, nothing excellent or flawless, let's just say I get by. The languages I currently know/use are C#, Python, JavaScript, Java and some C, I am also trying to learn some markup languages for web pages including Astro. As for databases, I have some knowledge of MySQL and MongoDB. In the future I hope my knowledge will be much broader (ง︡'-'︠)ง